
                     M an Nature         Relationship         The relationship between man and nature must be reconsidred......nature is the whole of the physical world ; it is also what exists outside of any human action. Man is in nature but he acts upon it, thereby emancipating himself of it . He is part and apart of nature.    All human being is fully depend on nature.Nature provide us many think ex. Medicine,fruits,colours etc. it's all think is usefull for all living thing. Nature and man is defferent relationship. All of know the how many product nature give us . Millions of the product nature give us.      Nature is fresh our mind & change your mood. We can't live without nature. This is a reality. We fell  boring we will go to picnic , trip. And we will fell fresh.                    Nature can refer to the phenomena of the physical world ,and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large ,if not the only , part of science . Although humans are part of na